Sunday, September 19, 2010

NFL Survivor League Lock of the Week- the Green Bay Packers

Since my Titans pick worked out last week, I give you week 2 of showing a cheerleader representing my Survivor League selection. 

Just one problem this week.  I really like the Packers over the Bills in Green Bay, but the Packers suck and don't have any real cheerleaders.  So I figured that you might like these crazy Packers fans...


 It's definitely better than this...

But they're all idiots who are cheering for the Packers.  Go Vikings! I'm out.


John Bateman said...

Are they Glen Beck Girls. Do you ever notice how Glen Beck's G logo look awfully like the Packers logo. (Of course there are only so many ways to write a G)

Orioles Magic said...

Haha, not sure about that, but I don't know what Beck's G looks like so couldn't say.