Saturday, December 11, 2010

Continuing the Reynolds Trend

Since the Orioles traded for Mark Reynolds this week, I figured that I would show off my newest Reynolds autograph. Nope, it's not Mark. He's been a member of the Orioles for 3+ days and I don't yet have his autograph, which is a travesty, I know, it's something that I hope to rectify that soon. But I finally have Harold Reynolds' autograph on an Orioles card.


The early-mid to mid-late '90s were the wheelhouse of my first foray into collecting autographs at baseball games, so I have autographs from many of the players who were Orioles during that time-frame.  Harold was a notable exception, and I didn't have his autograph at all until I picked up a signed Mariners card at the National back in August. If you don't click on that link, I mentioned that not having Harold's autograph in my collection was bothersome as I've seen him on TV on ESPN and now MLB Network for most of the last decade. He was so close, yet so far away as he doesn't seem to sign any TTM requests. At last, I have his signed Orioles card so I can now sleep better at night. No seriously, these are the types of things that keep me awake. I got a fever and the only more cowbell Orioles autographs.


Dodgerbobble said...

I thought he played in Seattle his whole career. Strange seeing him in that uni.

Orioles Magic said...

Honestly, I remember him most for that season in Baltimore. I felt like he played with the O's for more than one season though.