I don't know why I was surprised
I recently returned to my plan to chase down the Dodgers I'm missing in old
Heritage sets.
In almost all cases these are short-prints, and I quickly lo...
1 day ago
Topps pretty much does the same thing in all of its sets. Tons of border variations, or back variations, or refractor variations, depending on the product's theme.
I'm having the same issues with my Dee Gordon PC. It feels endless.
Paul- You definitely speak the truth, it's all crazy.
DB- Good luck keeping up on it! At least I know that Vlad should have too many more O's issues although he is inexplicably in 2012 Heritage as an Oriole and I think is also scheduled to be in A&G too.
I don't think I have any vlad cards featuring him as an oriole. I'm still hoping someone signs him before he goes to japan instead.
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