Sorry that I really don't have much to include in this post. I wish that I had some exciting new information about autographs or the O's but I don't. I am heading to the O's game tonight so that should be fun and could possibly yield some autographs.
I have been trying to organize all of my unsigned Orioles cards alphabetically to prepare to send out a wave of TTM requests since I haven't sent any out for about two weeks. This has been much more time-consuming than I originally anticipated so that has contributed to my infrequent posting. Also, I was sick.
If anyone has any unsigned Orioles common cards, the more obscure players are specifically what I need, and would like to trade them or send them to me, it would be greatly appreciated.
It was great to see the O's take the series from the White Sox, finishing off with a dominating 8-2 win, which was thankfully controlled by Adam Eaton. Phillies phans eat your heart out, I guess he's better when he is getting paid less than $8 million per.
And as a tease, I have a few Orioles Alumni autographs from yesterday along with one card that I bought online and hope to post pictures later.
Have a nice weekend and I hope to see you at the Yard!
C.A.: 1987 Drake's Darryl Strawberry and Wally Joyner
*(A chilly welcome to you all on "Old Stuff Day". Apparently this day was
created to encourage people not to do "the same old stuff" and then
modified to e...
1 day ago
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