Taking a brief detour from displaying my Orioles autographs, I had another Orioles related item to get excited about today, the release of the 2010 promotions!
Now, in case you might not know, I do not just collect Orioles autographs but also Orioles bobbleheads so I am very excited that there are FOUR! 4!! bobbleheads on this season's giveaway schedule. There is a full size Matt Wieters bobble that will be given away on June 30, and 3 mini bobbles of the O's excellent outfield trio that will be given away on three different dates over the course of the season. Nolan's date is May 26, Jonesy's is June 24, and The Stick's is August 5th. That's another 4 to add to my collection! That will be my fourth Wieters, my first Nolan, my second Jonesy, and my third Markakis. Once pictures are online, I will share them here.
Another giveaway that jumped out at me is the replica Brooks Robinson jersey on July 17. Awesome! T-Shirt Tuesdays make a return this season (I'm predicting Wieters, Matusz, Tillman, Millwood, Atkins and Gonzalez), and there are also four hat giveaways.
I'm borderline way too excited for some Orioles baseball right now and can't wait for FanFest!
(Sorry for all of the exclamation points in this entry but I'm jonesin' for some O's)
3 Days Until FanFest!
42 Days Until the First O's Spring Training Game!!
C.A.: 1987 Drake's Darryl Strawberry and Wally Joyner
*(A chilly welcome to you all on "Old Stuff Day". Apparently this day was
created to encourage people not to do "the same old stuff" and then
modified to e...
1 day ago
Sounds like a fun promo schedule. I'm always anxious for the Royals to release theirs and I pretty much decide which games I will go to based on it.
Have you thought about getting one of your bobbleheads signed at Fanfest vs. a card
Any news on whether or not they are continuing the Alumni Autograph series?
If the Markakis BP jersey promotion last year tells us anything, that Brooks Robinson jersey is gonna go fast. One of the gate attendants told me they were gone in 10 or 15 minutes after the gates opened to the general public.
Zman- I do the same, I never like missing a good promotional giveaway!
Sals-I actually had Melvin Mora sign a bobblehead for me at one point. It's cool but the only room to sign was on the brim of the cap. Some bobbles have more signing spaces than others, but they can be a pain to lug around. I'm not very gentle and tend to break them!
Aaron- No news on the Alumni series yet. I'm hoping to hear something at FanFest.
Matthew- Agreed, those jerseys are almost as popular as the bobbleheads!
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