Cabrera was an even more wild version of Jesse, but they both had control problems, as is evidenced by the fact that they both walked precisely 520 batters. Weird, right?
There is an outside chance that D-Cab could make it back to the Bigs to add to that total while I think it's safe to say that the 61 year old Jefferson has officially hung up his spikes. Yeah, it took JJ almost 200 more innings to walk that many batters but D-Cab has 152 more K's, so pick your poison.
UPDATE- A man claiming to be Jesse's son left this "eloquent" comment ( I edited it to keep things PG):
"F@#$ both of yall...that's my father you dumb f*$& are talking about..if my father or Cabrera had a f@$#ing pitching coach to help them with their control like pitching coaches today you wouldn't have s@#$ to say."
And here's what I have to say about that:
Sorry if I offended you, but I don't feel like I was particularly rude in my post, I was just merely making a connection between two Orioles pitchers who had similar stat lines. Your dad's stats are what they are, and although it's possible that your dad would have had more success if he had different coaching, there's no way to say for sure.
Also, here is the link to the post that I wrote shortly after your father passed away. I feel like I was quite respectable to him in that one.
So maybe, do a little bit more research before the next time you blast someone on the internet. After all, people can write almost anything they want online, and I feel like what I did was fairly trivial.
520 walks? What are the odds of that?
Yeah, I agree. It helped me tie together these 2 wild guys.
Sir, you are both referring to my Father N Law Jesse Jefferson as well as my Husband. My husband doesn't CLAIM to be anything, because he IS the son of the late Jesse Jefferson. And while you may think it OK to comment how you feel on any subject matter, I find it EXTREMELY offensive that you would refer to my Father N Law as "having officially hung up his spikes!" He didn't hang it up at 61, HE PASSED AWAY!!! I think you are rude and insensitive and I pray that you NEVER lose someone close to you that people then dismiss and disregard when they have left this earth and gone on to their final rest.
Research? How are the hell are you going to tell his son to do research?.I'm very well aware of his stats...and since people can write almost anything online...I chose to write what I did. now..where are your stats? Did you make it to the show? If not? Then shut the fuck up. how would you feel if someone was disrespectful to your father who is no longer her to defend himself? I've met and talked with several of my fathers former teammates and players that have played against him..and I even asked how wild was he? The late Mr. Bobby Bonds told me this in his own words.." your father had a very live arm..the movement on his pitches especially his fastball was nasty.. he needed a real pitching coach to help with his mechanics..but other than that when he had his control he was tough to beat"...I've done my research..after all I'M HIS SON!!!!
First off- Again, I'm sorry for your loss. It's always very sad when a family member passes away.
But I really don't understand how you are getting so offended about this. Just because an anonymous commenter says they are someone's son, doesn't 100% tell me that it's true. People can claim anything on the internet, and many people lie. For your sake, I'll assume you are telling the truth, so don't get hung up on that part.
BUT if you notice the date this was published, well before Jesse's death, I used the term "hanging up his spikes" as a way to refer that he retired from baseball, in no way referencing his passing. So, please get your facts straight before getting upset. And please click the link to the second post after he passed away.
Wow- This just keeps on going. And still with the language.
I know that your father pitched in the Major Leagues and I know that I did not, but I'm pretty sure that you didn't either, so we are on equal footing there.
Here are his stats: http://www.baseball-reference.com/players/j/jeffeje01.shtml
My main point of the post was to tie together two former Orioles pitchers who gave up the exact same number of walks in their careers. Sorry if I offended you, and I certainly wasn't trying to do so.
But again, for the record, I wrote this post when your father was still alive.
And if you want to get mad at a random writer on the internet, I wasn't nearly this critical about your father, so why are you coming after me?
Wow...If I may add some of my personal thoughts on this situation that was brought to my attention from a teammate of the late Mr. Jesse Jefferson...Ok....I'm going to keep my name anonymous for a few reasons. I will say this...I do indeed know this family very well. I knew Jesse and his son (the one who commented on this) his son is a very fine ball player. Something that many don't know is that Jesse's baby boy is quite a ball player. I did have a chance to talk to him awhile back and I know that this young man hasn't been himself since the lost of his father...and he has every right to feel upset at writers talking about his father in the manner some have. Jesse was an awesome pitcher in high school before he was drafted....now some may or may not know that Jesse was in a nasty car accident that could've taken his life and could've cost him his eye sight. If you ever see Jesse's baseball card you will notice a scare over his right eye. That accident alone had many teams avoiding to even Draft Mr. Jefferson. Although his sons words were most likely spoken out of anger...His son had a decision to make once he found out his father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now, I know what team wanted him and with respect to his son I won't mention it. Now, his son chose to leave his dream of following his father's footsteps to go home and take care of his father. That right there is a Major League ball player in my book. His son wasn't even a pitcher....He is an outfielder and very talented one at that. I had asked his wife how his son if doing. She replied " he has his moments and I wasn't aware of this article till he mentioned it. I tried to calm him down but he had already replied to this article. He misses his father a lot and even though he wasn't a Jim Palmer or Nolan Ryan...He was a teammate of some great ball players. He didn't care about his father's W/L record or era.....He was simply proud and honored to have Jesse as his father". Now I don't agree with the language this young man said in response to this article...writers can indeed state their opinions....but some of these remarks that ball players children are reading about there father's can really leave some scars. I did also run across another site called stiffs.com....where this forum was actually make fun of Jesse's name and making rude comments about his death. That's just plain wrong and I know that young man and some of his family have seen that and nothing has been done about removing those nasty remarks. I've followed baseball for many years and some of us have no idea whatsoever what the children of professional athletes have to go through when the research the father's career. I also know that his youngest son has been researching Jesse just trying to find photos of his father he's never seen before. So I feel his frustration and maybe he can heal from this and I just don't like seeing negative things pop up on the Internet about someone's ability. Jesse had some great games, good games, and poor games. It's baseball. But I think just for him making it to the show is something special that his son will always hold on to. If his son does read this I will say this.... I'm sorry for your lost and you did a very commendable thing when you left to come home and take care of Jesse like you did. I don't believe these writers were trying to disrespect your father I just think you may have read a little to much into this article. I think you should go back and play ball again. I think once you get back on that field and show your skills that so many have seen....maybe this pain will go away. In closing....I'm not saying who is right or wrong but it's never easy losing a loved one and I know without a doubt that Jesse meant the world to this young man. Anyone who reads these comments will see this guy was simply defending his father and reacted out hurt.
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