Monday, September 12, 2011

Dear Kevin Gregg

Please stop blowing save opportunities. You don't get too many on a team like this and it would be great if you could preserve some of the leads you are given.

Orioles Fans Everywhere

P.S.- If you can't overcome these difficulties, I expect you to find yourself in a setup role in 2012.


Hackenbush said...

Dear Kevin,

If you're wondering why this letter seems familiar look at the one Hackenbush sent you in 2009.

Ryan H said...

Dear Kevin,
You make Armando Benitez look like a competent pitcher. That is all.

Paul said...

Ouch - I haven't seen that much of Kevin Gregg, but any time you can compare a closer to Armando Benitez & have Benitez come out looking good...

Orioles Magic said...

Ha, thanks for offering some additional "advice" guys.