Monday, December 28, 2009

Trying to Shake Off the Holiday Lethargy

It was my intent to get up a few posts over the past four days but I just didn't have it in me. I was relaxing at my parent's house in my hometown and never came across the proper motivation to do much other than say Merry Christmas to everyone. But now I'm back, for at least a halfass attempt at a post. I hope to get my Christmas presents scanned and posted later this week but for now...

Here are some autographs and pictures of Brett Jacobson, the prospect the Orioles received for Aubrey Huff from the Tigers earlier this year. I saw him pitch in Frederick at the end of the season and he seemed like a nice guy.

I don't know how well you can tell from this picture, but he's tall (listed at 6'6'')

He signed three cards for me, the only three I could find shortly after the trade.

I hope to see Brett pitch in Baltimore eventually


zman40 said...

Wow, his real signature actually looks like the pre-printed one on the Bowman. You don't see that too often.

SAinPA said...

In the bottom picture, which one is Brett?

Orioles Magic said...

Zach-I guess that he hasn't developed his Major League graph yet. We know that it will eventually look like chicken scratch.

Oh you guys, haha, I think that we all know he's the tall one! I am sporting the correct hat though...