This is a post that should've been written a week ago. My blog received it's first featured post on another person's blog and it's taken me 8 days to return the favor. Boo me.
Anyway, Matthew who writes the excellent Number 5 Type Collection blog will feature other blogs in his "Type Site" posts. Last Thursday, he shined the spotlight my way, and did a very nice write up about my blog. Thanks Matthew!
I definitely recommend that you head over to the Number 5 Type Collection. If you don't want to or are too lazy to click my link, I'll give you a quick rundown. Matthew specifically collect cards that are #5 in a set. He doesn't discriminate with what set the cards are from, and it looks like he must have an extensive collection since he recently has featured a few oddball sets from the '60s & '70s. He has a great writing style and his posts are exceptionally readable. If you have any doubles of #5 cards, I would suggest that you send them his way. I know that I plan on starting a pile of #5 cards for him.
Thanks again Matthew, I always appreciate a shout out!
*I miss Rex Barney working the PA system at Camden Yards
Time savers
I've mentioned many times lately how difficult it's been to post regularly
to my blog.
It may not look like it because I'm still posting around five da...
5 hours ago
The link to Matthew's write-up isn't working.
Thanks for your write-up, sir! An extra "http://" is the link, so it does fail at the moment. This will get folks there.
I had stumbled upon Matthew's site once or twice before, and have just spent the past hour reading through his archives. Great stuff!
Oh, and your first featured post on someone else's site was over a year ago.
Wait, that's not over a year ago. It's close enough though :)
Give that Fan a CONTRACT!
Matthew-I think that the links in my post should be fixed now. I apologize for the shitty linking ability.
Beardy- I guess I owe you a post from a while back, but knowing my erratic posting style, I don't think it will happen now. But thanks much again!
Sals-I really do miss that. I wish they would play a recording or something in house.
Looks good, sir, thanks again!
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