Oh boy, 1984 was not a banner year for new Orioles players. There was pretty much Larry Sheets, and I guess one could mention Nate Snell and Ken Dixon, who both stuck around in Baltimore for a few years, but beyond that, there are quite a few "who's that?" type of players.
I might need to consider starting to cover multiple years in these posts, both to add some meat to them and to bump up the number of pictures. But that's not going to happen today.
Here's the older posts in the series...
(2001, 2000, 1999, 1998, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, 1992, 1991, 1990, 1989, 1988, 1987, 1986, 1985)
Wayne Gross #386, 4/2/84 (1984-85)
Tom Underwood #387, 4/7/84 (1984)
Orlando Sanchez #388, 5/20/84 (1984)
Mark Brown #389, 8/9/84 MLB Debut (1984)
John Pacella #390, 9/1/84 (1984)
Vic Rodriguez #391, 9/5/84 MLB Debut (1984)
Ron Jackson #392, 9/7/84 (1984)
Larry Sheets #393, 9/18/84 MLB Debut (1984-89)
Nate Snell #394, 9/20/84 MLB Debut (1984-86)
Jim Traber #395, 9/21/84 MLB Debut (1984, 86, 88-89)
"The Whammer" played in parts of four seasons with the Orioles before moving on the play in Japan and Mexico. He played in 264 games during his time with the O's, and played mostly first base.
Probably the most notable thing that occurred during Jim's playing career is an incident in Japan in which Jim charged the mound and the pitcher retreated all the way to the outfield.
He is currently an Oklahoma City Sports Radio host, and seems to be a bit of a blowhard from some comments I've heard from other collectors.
Ken Dixon #396, 9/22/84 MLB Debut (1984-87)
Play ball! (2025)
When I was a young, baseball-watching fool, I'd wonder about my dad. He was
a fan, but he seemed so casual about it. He'd watch maybe an inning or two
6 hours ago
Wow, that was a short debut post!
I remember that Jim Traber went to the same church in Columbia that my family attended when I was I kid. They had some kind of social event and Traber donated a signed baseball, which my brother won. I think the ball is probably lost, or we played with it and ruined it or something.
Zach- I know it! But it makes my collection a bit easier to handle since the O's didn't have 30 guys debut for them during every year of their existence!
Matthew- Cool story, how was Jim back then?
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