For all of you out there who probably don't know, my wife and I recently moved. Luckily, it was a relatively local move, but a move nonetheless. And it's at least partially to blame for my infrequent, and at times, uninspired posts.
Besides the autographs that I obtained and scanned from Orioles Fanfest in late January, I haven't scanned any of the other new additions that I've added to my collection. You see, the thing is that I have some (somewhat) interesting things to say about most of those autographs, while many of these autographs that have been sitting in my to-be-posted folder are signatures that leave me lacking for words.
Like this autograph of current Orioles owner, Peter Angelos. I don't really collect autographs of Orioles owners, but I got this one for cheap on ebay a few years back. Whoever got this signed had pretty nice seats, as I don't sit in $68 seats, unless someone else is buying.
Angelos has owned the team for quite some time and certain segments of the fan-base aren't very supportive of him. While I don't personally understand some of the moves that he has made during his tenure of owning the team, I think that he has the best intentions most of the time, but things just haven't always worked out for the best. He was born and raised in Baltimore and I think that the thing he wants most is for his hometown Orioles to be a playoff-caliber team. Which it seems like they might be nowadays.
I'm sure that some of you out there likely have different opinions about him, but it seems like the team is certainly heading in the right direction at this point, even if it took a number of years to get there.
In summary, please stick with me, until I get my card station reestablished at my new place. I hope that it won't be long now. Both for the blog and my sanity.
Play ball! (2025)
When I was a young, baseball-watching fool, I'd wonder about my dad. He was
a fan, but he seemed so casual about it. He'd watch maybe an inning or two
2 hours ago