Check out this card I came across during my recent organization process.
Who out there can honestly say that they remember that the Tigers once played in the A.L. East? I know that many of us are old enough, but it's something that I regularly forget, even though they were direct competition for the O's. Crazy stuff.
And for those of you who don't remember this alignment; prior to the 1998 season, the Tigers moved to the A.L. Central to replace the Brewers, who had opted to move to the N.L. Central. All of this was done to accommodate that addition of the Devil Rays and Diamondbacks.
Team MVPs: 2015 Topps
I was surprised to see that I haven't written a post from this series in a
year-and-a-half. That's long enough that I probably need to provide a
11 hours ago
I don't remember Detroit being in the East either. It's kind of weird that Cleveland is geographically closer east than the Motor City yet they were in the Central Division.
Thinking back to the original division realignments, I still remember loving that the Mets would be swapping the Pittsburgh Pirates for the Atlanta Braves as division opponents. *That* worked out really well...
I never gave any thought to the AL division switches that were needed in 1998 since I wasn't paying that much attention to baseball at the time.
Throw in the Indians and the Brewers and that's the AL East I remember!
i can somewhat remember 4 six team divisions ahhhhh the good old days lol
It's weird to look back at all the alignments in the past 30 years. And another one is possibly on the way.
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