So, pretty much the same deal as the last time, if you see something you're interested in, let me know and we can work out a trade or you can cover the shipping. If you've already requested a team in my last few trade posts, chances are that I've already pulled your requested teams/players from among these inserts.
This batch is mostly from 2011 Topps, but there are also a few Opening Day inserts.
Team MVPs: 2015 Topps
I was surprised to see that I haven't written a post from this series in a
year-and-a-half. That's long enough that I probably need to provide a
11 hours ago
I'm interested in the felix pie cognac parallel. Also the kimball minis if they are ones I need. I will also trade for any of the Orioles in your last trade post if they are still available, especially the markakis. I have a bunch of your 2010 and 2011 Topps needs I can trade in return.
Hey, I could use some of the Opening Day celebration cards. Which ones do you have?
Is that manupatch feller? I'd like to have that.
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