Here are some autographs from the recent Alumni Signers at the MASN Booth on Eutaw Street prior to Monday and Thursday Orioles home games...

Now if only someone could show up to position Adam Jones...

I was excited to get two cards from this old Keys set signed. Calvin commented about it being an old card while Joe didn't say much because of the heat. The signing booth gets awfully hot, especially for the older guys like Joe. The sun shines right in there and makes it pretty uncomfortable for the signers.
Tippy has mellowed since his days as the pitching coach for the York Revolution. He would not sign the mustache cards at all then.
I wish Tippy had gone into detail about the mustache cards. I'm pretty curious about guys that will only sign certain cards. Paul let me in on that info last summer and luckily, his '81 D is without his mustache.
Paul- I would guess that he wouldn't have signed the mustache card if he wasn't getting paid for the signing. I got him to sign his 87T mustache card in the past but he didn't say anything then.
Z-I tried to ask him why but didn't want to hold up the line. He jsut gave the idea that he thought the 'stache made him look dumb or something.
Is there a list of the signers for these events? I can never seem to find who will be there.
No, not really. It's normally the same 20 guys or so. Occasionally you can call the front desk at the Orioles offices and they can help you out.
hi I live in baltimore and you have inspired me to start up an orioles project also. I was wonderin about this alumni signings do you need a special ticket or how does it work. I haven't been to a game in a while but any info would be appreciated
Brandon-Thanks! You might be the first person to call my project an inspiration but I appreciate it.
You don't need any special tickets for the alumni signings. They are held from 5:30-6:30 on every Monday & Thursday home game. You just show up to the MASN tent on Eutaw St., get in line, and get autographs from whoever is there that day. The only problem is that it's hard to know who will be there ahead of time, so bring extra cards/whatever you want signed.
Good luck!
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