But not so fast; I am going to tie this post in with the O's. To start, here is my first Ray Knight auto on an O's card. I had his autograph on a Reds card but this card is what I prefer and since he does the MASN pre & post game show from Nats Park, it's not too hard to get his autograph at games.

Also, I got Willie Harris to sign my card. I already have his signature on an O's card but since he played 9 games for the O's in 2001, I can include him in my Orioles discussion.

I got Nationals players Elijah Dukes (on a card that shows some real emotion from a typically stoic guy) and Saul Rivera to sign my cards. I also just missed out on John Lannan & Jesus Flores. I also saw Austin Kearns & Shairon Martis signing for fans.

Chris Perez of the Cardinals also signed for me. I saw a few other Cardinals signing but didn't know who they were.

Here are some pictures from the stadium and the game:
I'm not the first person to blog about this but the new Nats statues look like they have weird tree-bark like bats & arms growing from them
JZ (Jordan Zimmermann) warming up pre-game
Albert didn't disappoint, going 3-4 on the night. He also hit a HR on this swing...
Point to the sky, Albert! You hit another one!
Congratulations on your haul!
I'm still amazed that people can get baseball cards signed at a Major League game. I guess I've had too many years of increasingly diminished access to players at the New York ballparks.
Thanks Paul! It's not too hard in Baltimore and seems even easier in Washington. I also have had success in Pittsburgh & Tampa Bay over the past few years. There is still hope out there!
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